Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The future is now! And it's coming to a dance floor near you...

The times they are a'changing. These days those words couldn't be more true. In the past 20 years there has been such an exponential leap in technology that its almost unbelievable. In 1998 if you had told me in 10 years you will have a wireless broadband iPod that acts like a mini PC in your pocket, that can play 3d games, play movies and read voice commands I would have laughed. At the time I was working off of a monochrome cell phone with an indigo screen and text messaging was a new tech.

Flash 10 years later and we are now witnessing the signs of a robot renaissance. A time to come when we will coexist with automated beings that can match and even perfect our movements. Whether this will lead to an altogether scary apocalypse (a la The Matrix) or to a hilarious non-stop dance party (a la Manoi Go) is something only time can tell. Until then enjoy the various leaps in robotic technology demonstrated below.

Manoi Go - My robot likes to party all the time, party all the time...

Amazing show of technical perfection in breakdancing. So many moves were demonstrated! Imagine Manoi Go partying day and night. Think about those awkward parties where no one wants to be the first on the dance floor (until you have had a couple beverages). Just ask Manoi Go to get the party started. Throw on his patented "Manoi Go Theme Song" and get ready for the wildest night of your life.

Unfortunately the next two robots are less hilarious and more of a sign of an apocalypse. Watch as they practice their hunting skills: perfecting their running and learning how to ride vehicles to make them more efficient. If it weren't for the peace-promoting moves of Manoi Go I would say way have a grim future in store. But until then...Manoi Go!

Asimo Bot Running

Robot Riding Bike

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