Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Gem - Born Ruffians "Sole Brother"

Here's one my buddy Miles is sure to enjoy.

The song is Sole Brother which is off of their upcoming album "Say It", set to be released June 1st of this year.

Stream it live below!

Born Ruffians - "Sole Brother"

The song has a great bass line and comes off as a perfectly chilled out "danceable" summer hit. While BR haven't necessarily hit mainstream fame...this song could push them there, while still keeping long time fans happy.

This song was also played when the gang assembled for a Daytrotter Session. There, you can hear it played in a tight live setting and guitarist/vocalist Luke LaLonde describes how the song came to be.

I caught the Ruffians when they opened for Vampire Weekend at a Summer Stage a few years back and they were great then. This album is sure to be on my purchase list this year as it should be yours.

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