Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Palin....Breathe Out

This video is too hilarious for it's own good. My hats off to for putting it together.

Finally something about Sarah Palin we can all laugh about that isn't about what she's saying, but rather what she isn't saying.

I almost want to add a beat to this...but I'm sure someone will beat me to it. I can see it now, "Sarah Palin with Autotune Breathing"


  1. Glad you liked it. It nearly killed me making it. Not due to the tune (I got remarkably good at isolating her breathing), but from listening to her voice over and over.

    I've read comments from a lot of people who want to remix it, but you're the first person to suggest autotuning it. Get on that shit.

  2. "Not due to the time"...

    Must. Use. Preview.

  3. Haha, thank you man. I'll see what I can do. I found the vid and saw your site in the intro. Went to it and realized you had a Blitzen Trapper post recently...which so did I here...huge fan of 'em. Instantly I knew...there was a new member of my wolfpack.
